Your Divine Inner Child & You

Yours Truly- Little Christina

The Divine Inner Child

By now we’ve all heard of inner child work- going back to your childhood to heal the wounds of our past. While this type of self-reflection and healing work is so important, it’s not the same as connecting and honoring our divine inner child. The main difference is that inner child healing is more about healing with the wounds deep within our subconscious and ego, then releasing old hurts and beliefs all while bringing love where love was missing. Working with the divine child is going within to connect directly with your soul. It’s a beautiful thing!

So, what exactly is the divine inner child? The 12 Archangels teach that the divine inner child is the truest, purest, wisest part of us that always lives within our heart. This child is all-believing and filled with divine trust, love and faith directly from Heaven. The divine child is our soul’s expression of who we are and what we came to do before the world got a hold of us and domesticated us, before our parents and society molded us. Every human being living on the planet has a soul and therefore a divine inner child. 

When we’re disconnected from our divine inner child, we are not acknowledging our divinity and the sacred journey that our soul is on in this incarnation. This can feel like not knowing what you want in life, never feeling true satisfaction or joy in our daily lives, or working to survive and never really living. This can also be believing that your value is based on something outside of you, such as material possessions or physical looks, the money in your bank account or the love interest on your arm. This is allowing the outside world to tell you what you are instead of allowing your unique expression of divinity to flow through you. None of these things will truly ignite your spirit or set your heart on fire, at least not for long. There would always be something else to accomplish or acquire and in the end, it would feel empty. We’ve all been there because we’ve all grown up in a world that praises the external not the internal. Your divine inner child can help you wake up and reconnect to the glory that is the true you.

Well, so what can you expect when you start to connect with your divine inner child? Lots! When we connect with our divine child within and allow that child to bring us back to our truest self, we raise our vibrations and expand. We begin to see that the world doesn’t tell us who we are, we shout out to the world “this is what I AM!”. This is incredibly empowering. Going within your own heart allows you to put what the world wants from you aside and helps you to clearly see- this is what brings me joy! Human beings are unique expressions of the Creator and everyone brings a special gift, perspective, energy or vibration to the world. No one can be you, no one can live for you and no one can express your truth! Your divine child knows what your soul sent you to this life to accomplish. Connecting with this child can help you get insight on your true passions, give you the encouragement and guidance you need to create the life of your dreams, and fully express the uniqueness that is you. The energy shift that you will feel from within is just incredible. In this sense, you can experience your childhood in the here and now. Most importantly, let your divine inner child show you how to play and truly enjoy what human life has to offer. We are here to enjoy life!

Ok, so how? Connecting with your divine child is so easy, but it will require you to devote some time away from phones, internet and others so you can peacefully go within, without distraction. Connecting to the divine child can be seen as a form of “channelling” because you are quieting your environment, quieting the mind and allowing thoughts to flow in. Start with a meditation (it can be just a few minutes if you’re not used to meditating) then do some free writing after to write down any thoughts that have come through. Here are some steps to try:

  1. Close your eyes and become aware of your breathing. Slow your breathing to: in for 4 second, hold for 4 seconds, out for 6 seconds.

  2. Visualize yourself walking up to a purple door with a ruby crystal doorknob. Open the door using your non-dominant hand. Step in and see yourself walking through a short tunnel of purple light. This is the energy of your crown chakra.

  3. See a lush green garden or forest at the end of the tunnel. As you step onto the grass barefooted, see the grass shake out green sparkles of glitter that absorb into your skin. Notice the warm, bright Central Sun overhead and feel the glow on your skin. This is the garden of your heart chakra- lush, rich, alive and never-ending.

  4. Standing ahead of you a few feet away is your divine inner child. He or she looks exactly like you when you were as a child between three and seven years old. A picture of you at that age can help you with visualization if needed.

  5. Walk up to the child, give the child a hug and tell him or her that you love them. Tell the divine child “you and I are one, and I am so thankful for you!”.

  6. Spend some time talking with the child and let the child tell you whatever they want you to know. Don’t force an answer and don’t worry if you aren’t sure of the messages. See if your divine child wants to play; run and jump in the green grass and soak up the sunshine.

  7. When you are ready, give your divine child a hug and say your I love yous one more time. Begin to wiggle your toes and fingers and softly open your eyes.

  8. Write down or journal any messages that your divine child shared with you. Don’t over think what you felt, saw or heard simply trust. If you don’t quite understand the message at the time, write it down and come back to in after a walk outside or some time later. It may not make sense in the moment, but it will when the time is right.

That’s it! You have just channeled your own higher self, your own divinity. Come back to your divine child, to your own heart, as often as you can to reconnect and pull in more of your powerful soul’s energy. This divine child is always there for you, always ready to guide you in all that you do. Honoring the divine child in your heart is a form of self-love; nobody can do this for you but you. You will be so happy you did this!

Lastly, here are some bonus tips for doing traditional inner child work. First, remember that this work isn’t always easy, if it was everyone would do it and the world as we see it would be a different place. Secondly, forgive forgive forgive. Forgive your parents, family, society or whatever you discover wounded you as a child. Everyone in the world, including your parents, is just another human being trying to figure it out. Call your power back to you from all past situations washed through the violet flame of forgiveness. Forgiving doesn’t mean that what happened was OK, or that you allow it to continue, it just means you are honoring yourself and moving on. Situations from our childhood are in the past and forgiveness helps us not bring that energy into our future. Also, if you are finding the same cycles repeating in your life, pay attention, it’s probably karmic. There is a major opportunity to set yourself free. Finally, give your wounded inner child whatever they needed but didn’t get in the past. If it was attention and affection, give it to yourself. If it was acknowledgement for the blessing of you, be proud of and love yourself. Don’t keep waiting for someone outside of you to give you what you need. You are empowered now, give it to yourself. Call on the Creator to fill you and your life with all you need and more. Heaven hears all prayers, it will come!

Happy channeling!


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