Manifesting with the Vibrations of COLOR

Live life in full COLOR!

Did you ever notice how wearing a certain color in your clothes, or even writing with a certain color pen or marker, expresses something you’re feeling? You may have worn red when you were feeling passionate or happy yellow on a summer day. So many times, we miss the subtleties of the rainbow of colors all around us. Just like everything that exists in our great cosmos, color is a vibration and tapping into that vibration helps us really shift our mood and emotional state.

The 12 Archangels teach that everything in existence, seen and unseen, is made up of sound and light (vibration) so it makes perfect sense that focusing on these energies helps us to sync up with that energy. Each main color carries with it a vibration that we can tap into with our focus and intention. We are the creators of our reality by the thoughts we think and the actions we take, and we can use color as a type of spiritual paintbrush to help us manifest our intentions.

OK, so how?

Tapping into the energy of color is very simple and the best way to align with a color is to meditate with it! It only takes a few moments to sit still in a quiet place, close your eyes, slow your breath, and get centered. Once you are in full meditative state, see a large stream of light pour down over your head from above. You may see clouds part in the clear sky above, or even a light turned on over your head. As you see the color in your mind’s eye, think about all the wonderful qualities that color will bring you and feel the color saturate into your skin, cells, atoms and all the spaces in between. For example, as the color red saturates your being, focus on feeling strong, healthy or passionate and energized. FEEL how wonderfully the energy moves through you and becomes one with you. As you pull in this amazing energy, ask Spirit or Source to saturate you from above lifting your vibration even further. FEEL the energy flow! Say “I allow Spirit to fill me with the color of ______ and all the energy it carries!” Feeling is the key to manifestation.

Here is the 12 Archangels list of colors and their energies:

Ruby Red (with pink tones)- The energy of the Divine Mother/ the Divine Feminine of our soul and the great cosmos that brings safety, security, attention, affection, abundance and is associated with the root chakra. This color is key in helping receive in the resources we need in the physical world and is associated with the energy of the Empress tarot card.

Coral/Peach/Orange- The energy of the soul and of creativity; also associated with the sacral or soul chakra. This energy is particularly helpful in welcoming in creative ideas from your higher self and helping you find purpose in your life’s path.

Golden Yellow- The energy of happiness and joy, as well as self-confidence and personal freedom. Yellow is associated with the solar plexus chakra as well as the energy from the Central Sun (or Central Soul/ Creator). Golden yellow light is also associated with Archangel Uriel, call on him to help light your path ahead. One of my favorite things to do everyday is stand under the Central Sun with my Divine Inner Child and let the sunny yellow light soak into my being. This feels absolutely amazing and is a GREAT mood lifter!

Emerald Green- The energy of heart chakra and the sacred sanctuary within, the most powerful part of us all and our direct connection to our Divine Inner Child. Green is also the energy of Divine Trust and can help with physical and emotional healing. Archangel Raphael, Angel of love and healing, is associated with green and can help you connect with this energy when you call on him. Visit the emerald green garden of your heart often, spend time honoring your Divine Inner Child; this is your direct connection to your soul.

Turquoise- The energy of success! This color is a combination of emerald green of the heart and brilliant blue of the throat, or will, chakra. Step into this color when you are putting your heart and effort into creating, ask the Angels to surround you and your project with the energy of success. FEEL what it’s like to have put a successful creation out into the world; know it’s happening. Isn’t it amazing?!

Sapphire Blue- The energy of truth and the color of the will or throat chakra, associated with Archangel Michael. Call in the energy of blue to give you the will to live in your truth in every way. Ask Archangel Michael to saturate you with his sapphire blue flame of truth and clear away lower vibrations to help you align with the truth, that all there is in the universe is love. Surround yourself with blue to clear away energetic cords and keep your vibration in alignment as you go about your day. This energy will help you smash through any fears bubbling up within to help you live your truth!

Light Blue- The energy of intuition and emotion, as well as the Divine Feminine. Think of this energy as the clear blue sky or clear blue waters that are both soothing and relaxing. This light blue color can help you sooth the ego, allowing it to step aside so that the feminine side of your brain can receive information (intuition) from your higher self. This color can also be very healing for frazzled emotions helping you to gain clarity over them. Light blue is also associated with the healing energy of Mother Mary, as well as the clarity and knowing of the Star and High Priestess tarot cards.

Purple/Violet/Lavender- The most awesome energy of transformation, forgiveness, and the power of our crown chakra. The 12 Archangels teach that the crown chakra holds our ability to transform ourselves and our world by pulling in the energy of unconditional love. Purple is a combination of the Divine Feminine and Masculine, and it is the color of alchemy with which we transform and bring balance and love where it is missing. This color is also the energy of the Violet Flame, which transforms lower energies back into the highest vibration of unconditional love. This is a powerful, POWERFUL energy! Use it when you’re not sure which color might work best, it works for everything. Saturate yourself in purple to clear away old guilt or shame and send all low vibrations back to Source to be transformed.

White (with Gold Sparkles)- The energy of the Creator and purity. Visualize yourself in white fire and soak in healing, clarity and unconditional love directly from Source into your being; see anything not in alignment with the highest vibration of unconditional, undiluted love melt away from your being. White is the highest vibration of all, carrying all other color vibrations within it. White is also an excellent all-purpose color to meditate with. Ask the Creator to saturate you in white with gold sparkles daily to help keep your vibration free and lifted, you will feel amazing!

Meditating and visualizing with colors are just some of the ways to work with color. You can also adorn yourself in the color through clothes, jewelry or crystal, all while maintaining you intentions on the energy of the color. I hope you can see now how we truly can use color as our spiritual paintbrush to create our realities!


Your Divine Inner Child & You