3 Steps to Unify with the Power of I AM

Many of us already know that our words carry power, but often we don’t realize the actual effect they have on our consciousness and manifested reality. If I were to tell someone “you have a funny voice” they might brush it off, or if they’re more closely connected to me, might take my words to heart. If they took my words to heart at any level, they would internalize that opinion filing it away into their subconscious only to have it pop up as that nagging little devil in the mind that says “everyone thinks you have a funny voice, better not to talk”. It sounds silly that one person’s words and opinions could have such a profound and life-long effect on our image of ourselves, but it happens all the time to everyone. Look back through you own memories and think of times someone told you something that you really took to heart, so much so that you hear that little nagging voice in your head every time you’re in that situation. Words are deeply impactful when they come from our parents and loved ones.


When we really think about it we can begin to see how the world around has shaped so much of our beliefs about ourselves. Don Miguel Ruiz Sr. calls this process of taking in other people’s opinions as our own “domestication” in his famous book The Four Agreements. We have internalized so much of the outside world into ourselves that we begin to forget who we truly are, what makes our hearts truly happy and how to express our authentic self. We start to believe that the limits the world believes exist are also our limits. As time goes on, we stop seeing that anything outside of what we already know the world to be even exists. Worst of all, we forgot that we are divine and children of the one true limitless Source of all that is, our Creator.


As unique extensions of the one all powerful, almighty, all loving Creator we are blessed with the unlimited potential to create and express without bounds. There are infinite possibilities available to us with which we can choose to create our reality.  Truly understanding the divine power of the Creator that we are all made of, requires us to shift from thinking and believing things “should” or are “supposed to” be a certain way. Believing in our domestication clips our wings BUT tapping into the limitless potential of Source is true freedom. So how do we start to shift our believes about the world around us?


First, we must remember the power of our words and really start to pay attention to the words we use to describe ourselves, our realities and others. Language is such a beautiful thing that humans can use to share but it can also be so limiting. The biggest words we should monitor ourselves for are “should” and “supposed to”. Whenever we catch ourselves using these words to describe something we are experiencing in the world around us, we need to take a good look at the reason why to see if we are limiting ourselves with our beliefs. If I was to say to you “but brides are supposed to wear white on their wedding day” your first reaction should be to think to yourself “why? Who made up these rules anyway? Is it even valid or just an opinion?”. Once you start to catch yourself using “should” and “supposed to” you will start to question and unravel all the beliefs that you unconsciously buy into.


Second, start bringing in language that does elevate you and uplift your perspective; make a point to be more intentional when you describe yourself and your reality. Now I’m not suggesting we ignore a crappy situation with forced positivity, that would be toxic positivity! But I do mean we should be honest about ourselves and experiences using truthful language that doesn’t limit our potential. For example, instead of saying “I am a victim of …..” describe yourself as “I am a survivor and my strength grows everyday” because that is the truth. Again, this doesn’t mean that we ignore feelings of sadness and grief, but instead of labeling ourselves with the power of negative words, we feel our feelings and move on knowing that my present moment and reality are made of what I choose to give my energy to.


Lastly, and most important remember that you are a Divine Child of the CREATOR, the Source of all that is. The infinite power and potential for love, joy, beauty and peace are exactly what you are made of- LEAN INTO IT! We’ve all heard the famous quote “I think therefore I am” but Reverend Michael Beckwith of Agape International Spiritual Center says we have it backwards. The true way to understand this statement is “I AM, therefore, I think” and he is absolutely correct! You are the unique expression of the Divine Creator and there will never be another incarnation like you. You are made of potential, energy and love and your reality is yours to create-claim it! Your words, thoughts, feelings and actions are what create the reality you live in. When you use those two little words “I AM” you are invoking and igniting the divine presence of the Creator that already lives within you, and you are expressing to all of the cosmos what you are. These small, simple words I AM have incredible power. When you say I AM you are creating your reality and it is your divine right to express the truth that lives within you. As a unique expression of the Creator no thing outside of you can tell you your truth. You must be it!


When we declare “I AM” we are unifying with the divine presence of the Creator of all that is that lives inside of you. You therefore do not allow the outside world, which cannot possibly know, to tell you what you are. No, you are expressing to the world, this is what I AM! Make I AM statementing your daily mantra practice and feel how your energy shifts from within. The universe and all it’s energies will respond to who you are being and it will adjust accordingly. Use the power of your word to truly express the glory and magnificence of what you are. Align with the power given by our Creator. Claim your divinity!


Here are some excellent I AM mantra examples; say them at least a few hundred times a day. This is a perfect opportunity to get out your mala beads and start declaring!


·        I AM powerful

·        I AM divine

·        I AM worthy

·        I AM love

·        I AM God’s Divine Child

·        I AM strong

·        I AM a magnet for miracles

There are infinite possibilities. Get creative! <3


Your Divine Inner Child & You


Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl