Helpful Resources

The links below are resources that have helped Christina on her life’s journey through transformation.


Belinda Womack

Spiritual Messenger


As a child, Belinda communicated with Angels and Loving Beings in Heaven, however when she turned 12, she turned off her special heavenly radio receiver and decided to become a scientist. She did all she could to rely on the logical and rational part of her brain and earned two masters degrees; one in microbiology and one in environmental science. All of her effort to be practical and rely on tangible evidence was blown away on the day, while working in a pediatric oncology lab, Archangel Gabriel visited her and changed all she believed she knew about herself and life on Earth. Belinda loves to work with the 12 Archangels and Ascended Masters to relay their transformational and deepest-healing messages through personal consultations, channeled readings, online classes, and live-webinars.


Leslie Werling

Psychic Medium


Leslie is a gifted and compassionate Psychic Medium and Reiki Master providing healing consultations out of Austin, Texas and Raleigh, North Carolina. In addition to psychic medium readings, she hosts workshops, Guided Angel Meditation Group, crystal energy healing and more!


Mary Armendarez

Intuitive Energy Healer


Mary Armendarez is an Intuitive Energy Healer, Spiritual Illuminator, Spiritual Teacher and Founder of Basic Purity Self Healing Tools. She loves teaching people to understand that they have the Inner Tools to change their reality for the better!


Fabiola Boughman

Intuitive Counselor, Clairvoyant & Energy Healer


Fabiola is a shaman who can help people find the magic within themselves; she believes all the spiritual information we need is already within us. Fabiola believes meditation is the best tool to access this magic; nature is the schoolroom, and spirit is the teacher.