About Christina

It is no accident that you found my website and I am so happy you are here! I am an intuitive Spiritual Illuminator who has been called by Spirit to support others in their journey through life. This is the work that lights my heart up and is it is my truest passion in this life.

Born, raised and living in South Texas, you might say that I have had a blessed yet challenging life so far. Since I was young , I could hear Spirit speak to me every now and then, jumping in with words or phrases that I chalked up to a vivid imagination and inner dialogue. It wasn’t until my late twenties that I experienced negative communications, which was truly scary to me. I thought I was losing my mind! I turned to God and the Angels, spiritual healers, and my doctor for help. I chose to block my connection from Spirit and move on with I thought I wanted. Little did I know at the time, I was turning away a blessing and calling from my soul. I chose to shift towards the logical side of my brain by studying Accounting and cutting off my creativity. There is no creativity allowed in Accounting!

Fast-forward to 38 and I learn my husband of twenty years, high school sweetheart and father of my children had stage four gastric cancer. The life I had envisioned crumbled away when he died just eight months later on our twenty-first wedding anniversary. I was left alone to support our family through grief and figure out what happens next, all while nursing a broken heart. Those were some of the absolute hardest years of my life.


My Transformation

Miraculously, two years later I married my second husband who swept me off my feet and made me feel like life was worth living again. He was so unafraid and excited about life. He was curious and loved to travel and cook. He was open to every amazing experience life had to offer; he never met a stranger. He lived his life with an open heart, unafraid of what might be, choosing to embrace the beauty of the present moment. He was truly the opposite of me, admittedly fearful. In late 2020 he contracted COVID-19 and passed away after being on a ventilator for four weeks. In the weeks leading up to his passing I struggled. I couldn’t believe what was happening! I spent so many hours alone crying and begging God to save him. Pulling my strength together to even call the hospital throughout the day took every ounce of energy I had in me. His passing was the most devastating loss I had ever felt. Words cannot describe the pain I felt. Yet out of this heartbreak came the most amazing gift, my transformation. The famous poet Rumi says “the wound is where the light enters” and the wounds to my heart were my initiation.

Our last name is Miranda, and it was the perfect metaphor for all that my losses have taught me. Miranda translated means view or outlook, and that’s exactly what my loss has given me- a new perspective on life. There is an amazing gift in every difficulty if only we can shift our perspectives to see it. I choose to transform my pain into love for others. I choose to serve as a bridge between Heaven and Earth, using my experiences and spiritual tools in service to God. My greatest joy in life is uplifting others.

Nueva Miranda, or new outlook, is the gift from my husband that I share with you. Love never dies. Love never ends, it only transforms into something greater.


We are always connected <3

Don't be afraid to shed the layers of who you used to be- that means GROWTH! <3

Don’t be afraid to shed the old layers of yourself-

we are here to GROW! <3