Spiritual Services


Christina is a graduate of Belinda Womack’s 12 Archangel Accelerated Discovery Program (Graduate Program) and has continued to study and work with Belinda and the 12 Archangels through other teaching programs. Additionally, Christina is a Certified Angel Guide through Hay House, Inc. who has studied Kyle Gray’s teachings and writings. Currently, Christina is in the level one Path to Authenticity apprenticeship program with don Miguel Ruiz and family. These in-depth trainings, plus multiple tarot and oracle card reading trainings, combined with her intuitive strengths allow Christina to bring you spiritual messages just for you and your specific situation. For more information on trainings and resources Christina has used please refer to the Helpful Resources page.

Angelic Uplift Sessions $60

An angelic healing session invokes the support and guidance of the Angels to help bring us back into alignment with God’s unconditional love. During our hour long meeting, we will begin with clearing your energetic field followed by guided meditation to settle us into our time together. The bulk of our session together will include an Angel card reading with discussion on tools you can use to lift your energy and vibration. The session will conclude with intuitively chosen prayers specific to your unique circumstance.


Bridging Heaven & Earth through the Tarot $60

This session uses the tarot and its imagery to bring messages in from Heaven to help you along your journey here on Earth. Aside from a traditional tarot card reading, I will use the imagery of these cards to translate messages from the Angels for your deeper heart healing. Spreads will be intuitively chosen and may include additional oracle card readings for more insight. These readings are intended to help you understand the current energy around you to help you navigate life’s situations and put any fear into perspective.

Group Uplift Sessions

Gathering together with love ones and friends, in the name of love and reconnecting with God, gives us such an energy boost and lifts our vibrations! In group sessions we gather together and do group meditation, prayer and spiritual work as well as mini card readings for extra insight from Spirit. The synergy and energy generated when two or more are gathered simply can’t be described, only felt with the heart. Contact me for more details or to schedule!


Inner Child Reunion $60

So many of us go about our lives stuck in the mundane activities of being an adult. Responsibilities, expectations and a lifetime of living in a world that is always telling us what we should be can disconnect us from the innocence of our inner child and the purity of our own heart. During an inner child reunion session, we will work on intuitively reconnecting you with the divine inner child of you heart. You will be provided with spiritual tools to help you strengthen this so you can reunite often with the child that lives within you.

 DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that Christina is a Spiritual Illuminator who uses intuitive skills, spiritual training and techniques, as well as personal life experiences to help others. Visitors who feel they need more specialized, structured care are encouraged to contact a medical professional for support.