Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl

Quetzalcoatl, Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl

Teotihuacan, Mexico

In December of 2021, I had the opportunity to take the power journey with the Ruiz family to Teotihuacan, Mexico. I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect on the trip, but I knew that I was a fan of the Ruiz family and their teachings on personal freedom. This trip was definitely a power journey into the strength of self! Travel to and from was extremely stressful but looking back I see that it was an opportunity to show my strength, overcome challenges and GROW!

One of my favorite books of all time is The Four Agreements, written by don Miguel Ruiz Sr. This book changed my approach to life completely when I first read it almost ten years ago. Since then, I have read books by his sons that are similar in nature, but yet very different in content and style. My favorite book written by don Miguel Ruiz Jr. is The Mastery of Self, which I feel is one of the most eye-opening books giving us tools to look into ourselves and our behaviors. My favorite book by don Jose Ruiz is the Wisdom of the Shamans because the stories it contained just absolutely spoke to my heart when it was hurting the most, when my husband passed from COVID-19. I highly recommend that you purchase this book!

Months before my journey to Mexico I read the Wisdom of the Shaman’s and just loved it. In don Jose’s book he talks about the story of the little snake that was afraid to leave his cave because he was stuck in the dream of the planet. In short, the little snake believed all the voices around him that told him he was weak, just a snake and would never be anything free and beautiful like a bird. Well, the goddess of rain, Tlaloc, saw him afraid to leave his dark cave so she flooded the land to wash him out of hiding. It was then that the snake first saw the sun and felt the warmth on his back, and saw birds flying in the wind. The goddess, seeing that he wished himself to be a bird, sent a gust of wind and all of a sudden the little snake was flying like a bird. The little snake enjoyed the moment and embraced life so much that she gave him feathers of his own and rewarded him with a temple in his honor. When asked “where do you want your temple built so you will be remembered, in heaven?” and the feathered snake said “no I want it in hell. Heaven doesn’t need more heaven, heaven is needed in hell.” Wow. Little did I know when I went to Mexico that this little story would bring the power of seeing the pyramids in person right to me. This trip changed me to my core.

I don’t claim to be a Mesoamerican historian and I don’t know all the history of ancient deities. What I do know is what I have experienced and felt personally, and my visit to Teotihuacan completely changed my spirit. I was more sure than ever that my soul was calling me to bring heaven to hell, to serve as a bridge to heaven for people drowning in the dream of the planet. In The Four Agreements we learn that the dream of the planet is all the beliefs that we have been taught and accepted into ourselves as domestication; it is like standing in the middle of thousands of voices shouting at once. That is the hell that keeps us from being our true authentic self.

In ancient times Teotihuacan, home of the pyramid of Quetzalcoatl, was the sacred place where humans would go to reconnect with the divinity within and face the underworld. Teotihuacan is the place where I faced myself and my own personal underworld, which many people might call the shadow self. Through the workshops in the power journey I took a hard and honest look at myself and left behind all the beliefs that were holding me back. For example beliefs that kept me confined to the world’s definition of what it means to be a woman- physically, according to society and in my own self identity. Once you start to see how you live your life according to the programming of the planet, you wake up! Once you’re awake, you can’t go back to sleep. When you start to peel off the layers of domestication and conditioning, you start to find the real authentic you. This is how I knew I had to follow the calling of my soul, regardless of what the world around me had to say. Don Jose often says that no matter what you do the world will judge you and when you’re dead and gone the world will still judge you. Live your life for you!

You are the creator of your own life and no one can do it for you. Make it a masterpiece!

More on my power journey to Teotihuacan to come….


3 Steps to Unify with the Power of I AM