“Change your perspective, change your life…”

Christina Miranda, Spiritual Ignitor

My mission is reigniting your divine spark and reuniting you with your own divinity!


You don’t have to journey through life’s challenges alone. Heavenly support and grace are here, now.

The beauty of the snake is that it shows us how to let go and transform <3


We have all come to schoolroom Earth to learn and grow, bringing a piece of heaven within us in our hearts. As we grow from babies to children, teenagers to adults, life has its ways of bringing us challenges and heartache, pushing us out of our comfort zones. We find ourselves in situations that diminish our personal power and make us feel less than the divine being that we are. We face fear over and over again. Worst of all, we start to believe the voices in the world that tell us we are unworthy, unlovable and just plain not enough.

The root cause of all of this heartache is fear. Fear stops us from listening to our hearts making it so tough to be our authentic self. Fear grows slowly but surely, and when we don’t acknowledge it or put it into perspective, it starts to take control of our minds.

This journey is what it means to be human, but we don’t have to journey alone! Help from heaven is always available, all we have to do is ask. There are so many simple ways to to connect with heaven and its home here on Earth, your very own heart.

Here, is where I can help!

Spiritual support to help align your world with the love of Heaven.

  • Angelic Uplift Session $60

    One hour healing session connecting with the Archangels and Heavenly Helpers to bring in messages just for you! This includes:

    • Angel & Oracle Card Reading

    • Angelic Guidance Spreads

    • Energy Clearing & Cord Cutting

    • Personalized Guided Meditation

    • Vibration Lifting Prayer

  • Bridge Heaven & Earth with Tarot $60

    One hour session using the tarot and imagery to bring in messages of support from Heaven and the Angels. Spreads are intuitively selected.

    • As Above So Below Spread

    • Angelic Guidance Spread(s)

    • Past, Present & Future + Oracle Card Reading

    • Personalized Guided Meditation

    • Energy Clearing & Cord Cutting

    • Vibration Lifting Prayer

  • Group Uplift Sessions

    When we gather together with special loved ones and friends in the vibration of love, we can’t help but feel our vibrations rise up!

    Group healing sessions include:

    • Mini card reading session for each attendee

    • Teaching on select spiritual tools & techniques

    • Guided Healing Meditation

    • Energy Clearing & Cord Cutting

    • Vibration Lifting Prayer

    Contact for pricing info.

  • Inner Child Reunion $60

    Reconnect with your Divine Inner Child through intuitive guidance to heal old stories and realign with your truest self. Live your happy childhood now!

    • Personalized Guided Meditation

    • Vibration Lifting Prayer

    • Intuitively guided spiritual tools to support healing

    • Oracle Card Reading


Contact me via email to schedule a session.

The snake, just like our hearts, sheds layers and grows <3

Just like the snake, our heart sheds layers and grows- stronger, wiser and more resilient with every layer <3